Martin Alianelli Translations

The Language of Business in Any Language ™

Juan D. - Vicepresident, Telemundo Communications Group, Hialeah, Florida
"Martin, you are simply the best."

Christina A. - Franchisee Relationship Manager - Subway Restaurants - Miami, Florida
"Since we are in a bit of a time crunch and we know you are Super Martin and Company J…..we would like to have you and your team work on this for us - and of course we like to keep you busy".
Lisa E., Customer Experience Web Administrator, Subway Restaurants - Miami, Florida
“Martin, I wish that at least most of the people I worked with were as efficient as you!!”

Carmen M. - Creative Services Director - Telemundo 39 - Dallas, Texas

"…Martin, in this business, we run across some of the worst translations ever...from direct translations to creative ones...we are really glad we work with a creative translation component, your translations reflect quality and preciseness...we're glad we count on you to continue to make Telemundo look good..."

Denitza P. - VP Communications - GE & NBC Television Network - NYC
“Martin, we would like to thank you for the wonderful work you do for NBC. We are impressed by your professionalism, responsiveness, speed, flexibility and superior customer service and will strongly recommend you to our colleagues throughout General Electric and NBC. MIL GRACIAS!”

Jackeline F. - Principal - Inteligencia Research - Miami
"Martin, your work is outstanding as is your work ethic.  YOU turn-around work at bullet speed, AND you have never, ever, let us down.  Thank you".
Celeste B. – Litigating Attorney – Kellman Hoffer LLC - Manhattan Beach, CA
“Thanks, Martin. You’ve really been an invaluable asset”.
Deborah P. – Publicity Manager – Universal Studios
“Wow, you are fast!”
Lisa H. – SVP Corporate Compliance - NBC Universal
“Martin, you are a dream…”